21 Feb Introduction to Community Land Trusts (2.21.24) ZOOM Introduction to Community Land Trusts (2.21.24) ZOOM Wednesday, February 21, 2024 (10:00 AM to 11:30 AM) 1.5 Education Credits Zoom Details You're Registered! DescriptionLocation Introduction to Community Land Trusts This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 1.5 hours of Real Estate Continuing Education Minnesota Homeownership Center and Minnesota Realtors are partnering to provide this class that will give you the knowledge and information around the Community Land Trust (CLT) homeownership model. The Twin Cities has more affordable ownership CLT homes than any other metro area in the country, and the state as a whole has more affordable ownership CLT units than any other state. Community Land Trusts are an increasingly relevant segment of Minnesota’s home buying playing field as consumer interest grows. **Please note: This class will be offered via the Zoom meeting platform, a live, virtual format. Materials and class attendance requirements will be sent to you via email 48-hours prior to the class. Video attendance is required. If you register and are unable to attend, we would appreciate it if you would let us know 48 hours in advance of the class, this way we have an opportunity to allow another student to attend since class size is limited. Note: Prepare to be on time as the DOC rules require that you cannot miss ANY of each class or NO CE can be given. Zoom Zoom