Dancing with the One that Brought You

05 Oct

Dancing with the One that Brought You with Ashton Gustafson (1 Hour CE)*

Dancing with the One that Brought You with Ashton Gustafson (1 Hour CE)*

Thursday, October 5, 2017 (2:30 PM to 3:30 PM)
1.0 Education Credits

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Ashton built his business online with buyers, but now has a steady stream of listings he handles each year. In 2013, Ashton personally took over 110 listings with the majority of them coming from repeat customers or customer referrals. Here, Ashton will discuss the tactics he uses to keep in communication with his sphere of influence and maintain the proper relationships you need for your business.

Ashton Gustafson
"Highly sought after public speaker, nationally recognized Realtor, artist, musician, poet, amateur cosmologist, and currently in pursuit of more things to become."