AI & ChatGPT for Real Estate

25 Nov

AI and ChatGPT for Real Estate (11.25.24) ZOOM

AI and ChatGPT for Real Estate (11.25.24) ZOOM

Monday, November 25, 2024 (9:00 AM to 12:00 PM)
3 Education Credits
MNR Academy

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AI & ChatGPT for Real Estate 
This course has been approved by the Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce for 3 hours of real Estate Continuing Education

Artificial Intelligence or AI has been around for a long time, but with the emergence of OpenAI’s ChatGPT & Dalle-2, MidJourney, Bard, Co-Pilot, & others, plus so many other tools we already use & love like Office, Docs, Canva, Adobe, Grammarly, & more incorporating AI into their offerings, it has finally reached the masses. In this session, we will explore what AI is, how it can be used in your real estate business & everyday life, the legal & ethical implications, & much more. By the end of this session, you will be more intelligent about this fast-emerging technology to ensure you stay ahead of the curve, improve your life happiness, & boost your business efficiencies & customer service, all while using these tools in an ethical & compliant manner! 

**Please note:  This class will be offered via the Zoom meeting platform, a live, virtual format.  Materials and class attendance requirements will be sent to you via email 48-hours prior to the class.   Video attendance is required.   If you register and are unable to attend, we would appreciate it if you would let us know 48 hours in advance of the class, this way we have an opportunity to allow another student to attend since class size is limited.

Note: Prepare to be on time as the DOC rules require that you cannot miss  ANY of each class or NO CE can be given.

MNR Academy
MNR Academy

Craig Grant
Craig Grant has an amazing ability to present technology topics in such a fun and easy to follow way that REALTORS can not only understand, but go home and apply the knowledge and tools they need to succeed in today's fast changing marketplace. Craig is a certified GRI instructor for all technology and marketing courses, a member of the Florida GRI Task Force & the 2011 Chairman of the Florida REALTORS Education & Technology committee.

Cancellation within 2 business days of the class will result in a $10 cancellation fee. "No Shows" will forfeit the registration fee.